Art Jam Chinese New Year Wiregraphy Step by Step Guide

Craft your own auspicious Chinese characters in wiregraphy on a painted canvas.
A personalized decor that embodies the spirit of the festive season!

Watch through all the videos in sequence first before starting on this project.

Step 01 - Painting the canvas

Use 3 colors, alternate between the 3 colors to blend directly on the canvas when the paint is wet.

Colors idea 01 - RED, WHITE & PINK 
Colors idea 02 - ORANGE, RED & WHITE

Optional: Paint random dots in white with the smaller brush provided

Step 02 - Wire bending

Trace over the template provided below, begin at the marked "Start" arrow.
Refer to the following videos on how to bend each one of the 4 designs.

Step 02a - Wire Bending

"Chun" 春, meaning: spring


Step 02b - Wire Bending

"Fu" 福, meaning: blessing, good fortune


Step 02c - Wire Bending

"Cai" 财, meaning: wealth, money


Step 02d - Wire Bending

Koi fish pattern, represent longevity 寿


Step 03 - Attaching the wire art to the canvas

Bend the 2 short wires provided into U shape pins first.

Take note of the following when attaching to the canvas.